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As a business, we know that you need a reliable, high-quality source for herbs, spices, and teas. We will always carry the most popular, time-tested botanicals like elderberry and chamomile, but we strive to help you discover the latest essential ingredients so you can innovate and introduce new products of your own. We've gathered all of our new arrivals in one place making it easy to browse and buy. As your customers' wants and needs change, our goal is to support you—so when you're looking to develop that functional smoothie mix, herbal tincture, or pet food, we want to be your one-stop source for all of the bulk ingredients you need. We've selected a group of our new products to highlight based on their versatility. They provide color, flavor and efficacy to foods, beverages, supplements as well as hair and skin care products. Start exploring now!

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Atlantic Irish moss, powder, organic image
[ 1472 ]Chondrus CrispusORG

Atlantic Irish Moss Powder, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $9.87 Pound:  $21.94  100+ Pounds:  contact
Catnip Leaf & Flower, c/s Organic, Regenerative image
[ 1018 ]Nepeta catariaORG

Catnip Leaf & Flower Cut & Sifted, Regenerative, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $14.62$12.43 Pound:  $32.48$27.61  100+ Pounds:  contact
Cinnamon sticks, 4", Organic image
[ 2805 ]Cinnamomum cassiaORG

Cinnamon Sticks 4", Organic

1/4 Pound:  $6.95 Pound:  $15.44  100+ Pounds:  contact
Atlantic Irish moss, c/s, organic image
[ 1473 ]Chondrus Crispus ORG

Atlantic Irish Moss cut & sifted, organic

1/4 Pound:  $8.66 Pound:  $19.25  100+ Pounds:  contact
Kelp, powder, organic image
[ 1085 ]Ascophyllum nodosumORG

Kelp Powder, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $3.04 Pound:  $6.76  100+ Pounds:  contact
Lycii berry, whole, organic image
[ 2808 ]Lycium chinenseORG

Lycii Berry Whole, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $10.15 Pound:  $22.55  100+ Pounds:  contact
Orange peel, powder, organic image
[ 2809 ]Citrus sinensisORG

Orange Peel Powder, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $8.89 Pound:  $19.75  100+ Pounds:  contact
Arrowroot, powder, organic image
[ 1307 ]Maranta arundinaceaORG

Arrowroot Powder, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $1.98 Pound:  $4.41  100+ Pounds:  contact
Basil Powder, Organic image
[ 5070 ]Ocimum basilicumORG

Basil Powder, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $2.88 Pound:  $6.41  100+ Pounds:  contact
Butterfly pea flower, organic image
[ 5055 ]Clitoria ternateaORG

Butterfly Pea Flower Whole, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $18.36 Pound:  $33.38  100+ Pounds:  contact
Chlorella, powder, organic, cracked cell image
[ 1309 ]Chlorella VulgarisORG

Chlorella Powder, organic cracked cell

1/4 Pound:  $13.34 Pound:  $29.64  100+ Pounds:  contact
Cinnamon sticks, 2-3/4", Organic image
[ 2804 ]Cinnamomum cassiaORG

Cinnamon Sticks 2-3/4", Organic

1/4 Pound:  $6.54 Pound:  $14.54  100+ Pounds:  contact
Cumin seed, powder, organic image
[ 1108 ]Cuminum cyminumORG

Cumin Seed Powder, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $4.92 Pound:  $10.94  100+ Pounds:  contact
Cumin seed, whole, organic image
[ 1058 ]Cuminum cyminumORG

Cumin Seed Whole, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $4.66 Pound:  $10.35  100+ Pounds:  contact
Ginger, bulk tea bags, Organic image
[ 2300 ]Zingiber officinaleORG

Ginger Bulk Tea Bags, Organic

1/4 pound:  $7.76 pound:  $17.25  100+ Pounds:  contact
Hibiscus, bulk tea bags, organic image
[ 1730 ]Hibiscus sabdariffaORG

Hibiscus Bulk Tea Bags, Organic

1/4 pound:  $6.04 pound:  $13.42  100+ Pounds:  contact
Lemon balm, powder, organic image
[ 2800 ]Melissa officinalisORG

Lemon Balm Powder, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $7.52 Pound:  $16.70  100+ Pounds:  contact
Nettle leaf, powder, organic image
[ 5066 ]Urtica dioicaORG

Nettle Leaf Powder, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $4.85 Pound:  $10.78  100+ Pounds:  contact
Parsley herb, powder, organic image
[ 1304 ]Petroselinum crispumORG

Parsley Herb Powder, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $6.26 Pound:  $13.90  100+ Pounds:  contact
Peppermint, bulk tea bags, organic image
[ 1710 ]Mentha piperitaORG

Peppermint Bulk Tea Bags, Organic

1/4 pound:  $7.07 pound:  $15.71  100+ Pounds:  contact
Plantain herb, powder, organic image
[ 2803 ]Plantago majorORG

Plantain Herb Powder, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $7.12 Pound:  $15.82  100+ Pounds:  contact
Psyllium seed , whole, organic image
[ 2807 ]Plantago ovataORG

Psyllium Seed Whole, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $2.57 Pound:  $5.72  100+ Pounds:  contact
Psyllium seed, powder, organic image
[ 2806 ]Plantago ovataORG

Psyllium seed Powder, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $2.61 Pound:  $5.79  100+ Pounds:  contact
Rose hips, powder, organic image
[ 1029 ]Rosa caninaORG

Rose Hips Powder, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $8.50 Pound:  $18.89  100+ Pounds:  contact
Spirulina, powder, organic image
[ 1476 ]Spirulina platensisORG

Spirulina Powder, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $7.91 Pound:  $17.58  100+ Pounds:  contact
Slippery elm bark, c/s, organic image
[ 2810 ]Ulmus rubraORG

Slippery Elm Bark Cut & Sifted, Organic

1/4 Pound:  $15.73 Pound:  $34.95  100+ Pounds:  contact

And many more...

Shop our entire collection of bulk herbs, spices, and teas, including organic and wildcrafted options.
You'll find over 500 carefully selected products from trusted sources at wholesale prices.