Bulk Carrot Powder

Daucus carota
Carrot, powder image
[ 571 ]Daucus carota

Carrot Powder

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1/4 Pound:  $4.03 Pound:  $8.96  100+ Pounds:  contactout of stock   |   ETA:3/28/2025  

Dried and powdered carrot has all the sweet flavor and nutrients of the vegetable in an easy-to-use form.

Use it to thicken soups and stews, combine it with flour in baking mixes or use as a natural food coloring. Carrot powder is also added to natural skin care preparations.

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information at a glance

approximate cups to one pound3
originunited states
active compoundsa- retinol, beta carotene and a - carotenoid, farcinol, and cryptoxanthin, lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin. carrot contains sodium, zinc, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, folate, vitamins a, b6, b12, c, e, and k, beta carotene protein, carbohydrates, fiber, sugars, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium
plant part usedroot, leaf, seed
processingcarrot powder
why buy powdered carrot?nutritious and versatile

buying & keeping

general guidelines and tips

storage tipsStore in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.
appearance & aromaCream colored with a fine texture.
good vs badTends to clump, but this is normal and clumps break apart easily.


try something new

cosmeticUse in body powders and facial clay masks. Infuse into oils to make salves, lotions, soaps and other cosmetics. Carrot is often used in skin care products for mature or sun-damaged skin.
culinaryUse in baking mixes and to thicken soups, stews and other foods. Can also be added to smoothies and cereals.

flavor profile


Has a pleasant taste alone or mixed into foods.

formulas & recipes


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what else you should know


Most people are familiar with the carrot as the orange taproot eaten raw or cooked as a vegetable. Carrot powder, however, consists of the root, leaf and seed. While the powder retains some carrot-like flavor qualities, the leaf and seed temper the taste.

Whether used as food or as a cosmetic ingredient, carrot powder delivers a lot of nourishment. In addition to an abundance of antioxidant beta carotene, carrot powder is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, E and K. The powder also provides several minerals, including calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorus and magnesium.

The culinary uses for carrot powder are practically unlimited. The powder can be combined with flour in baking or added directly to various cooked foods or sprinkled over to salads as a flavorful and nutritious garnish.

Because carrot powder tends to clump, it is necessary to mix it with a carrier oil, vegetable glycerin or another liquid to make a suspension prior to using it in cosmetics. The exception, of course, is its use in body powders and facial grains or masks.

Background: The wild ancestor of the carrot may have its origin in Afghanistan. It is in this region that the most diversity of Daucus carota is maintained. The familiar wild carrot plant is known in the West by the common name of Queen Anne’s lace. An Old English superstition asserted that the small purple flower located in the centre of the wild. Queen Anne's lace is the closest living relative to Silphion. Silphion was used by the Romans as a spice but fell away into extinction in the first century AD. Nero was said to have consumed the very last remaining root.

In early use, carrots were grown for their aromatic leaf and seed, not the root. The first mention of used of the root in classical sources was in the 1st century AD.

Grated raw carrot was used as a tonic food and for nutrition.

Description: This root vegetable is usually orange or white in color with a woody texture. The edible part of a carrot is a taproot. It is a biennial plant which grows a rosette of leaves in the spring and summer while building up a sizeable taproot, where are stored large amounts of sugars for the plant to flower in the second year. The flowering stem grows to about 1 m tall, with umbels of white flowers. The ends of the main stalk and branches bear large compound umbels of tiny white or pinkish flowers. The seeds are one-seeded halves of small spiny fruits called schizocarps. Seeds as purchased for planting have had the spines removed.

Carrot flowers are pollinated primarily by honey bees and mason bees.
Carrots are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Common Swift, Garden Dart, Ghost Moth, Large Yellow Underwing and Setaceous Hebrew Character.

Safety: There is no known negative safety information available for this herb.

*Excessive consumption of any carotene-rich foods may lead to a condition called carotoderma: the palms or other skin develop a yellow or orange cast. This is presumed to be related to carotenemia, excessive levels of carotene in the blood. The body slowly converts carotene to vitamin A, and the extra carotene is temporarily stored, usually in the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and behind the ears. If the cause of the carotenemia is eating excessively high amounts of foods like carrots, the condition will usually disappear after reducing consumption.

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This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

please be advised:  Before making any changes to your diet you should always consult with your doctor, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or have existing conditions.

All reviews solely reflect the views and opinions expressed by the reviewer and not that of Monterey Bay Herb Co. We do not verify or endorse any claims made by any reviewer. None of these statements have been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.