Background: Originally found in Peru, use of Cat's claw dates back to the Inca civilization more than 2,000 years. The Ashaninka priests of Peru utilize cat's claw ceremonially to align the physical body with the etheric body. The inner bark of Cat's claw is used to make liquid extracts and teas.
Description: Uncaria tomentosa is one of the 60 species of pantropical genus of coarse, scandent shrubs, climbing by means of spines. Indigenous to the Amazon rainforest and other tropical areas of South and Central America, Uncaria tomentosa's large, woody vines are known to grow to 100 feet in height, climbing up and into the rainforest canopy. Uncaria tomentosa has small, yellowish-white flowers.
Safety: Not to be used before or after an organ or bone marrow transplant or any skin graft.