Background: Licorice has been known as a sweet additive that is used in all types of candy. It is thought to be as much as 50 times sweeter than sugar. However, licorice has many more valuable uses than as a sweetening agent.
Licorice is a powerful anti-inflammatory that can help to sooth arthritis. It also works to help the stomach make more mucus for its lining. This reduces problems with upset stomach, ulcers, and acid indigestion. As you'll see, licorice can be a valuable herbal medication for your overall good health.
Applications: Anti-inflammatory/Expectorant/Laxative/Adrenal agent/Demulcent
Licorice is primarily used to treat problems with the digestive system.
Digestion: Licorice helps to sooth the mucosae linings of the stomach and intestines. This helps to prevent ulcers and other inflammations.
Expectorant: Licorice helps to thin mucus making it valuable for asthma and other chest problems.
Adrenal gland: Licorice causes the adrenal glands to produce hormones. This is helpful for someone with low adrenal function.
Laxative: Licorice can be used to relieve constipation.
Canker sores: Licorice can help to soothe canker sores.
Description: Licorice is a plant that is native to Europe and Asia. However, cultivated in many other places. When the plant reaches three or four years old, the root is pulled up. The plant itself is a woody perennial that can grow up to 6 feet high with purple flowers.
Dosage: As a tincture, mix 1/2 tsp with 100 ml water and take twice daily.
As a powder, rub directly on canker sores to provide relief.
As a decoction, drink 1 cup twice daily for constipation.
A dried juice stick may be chewed to relieve problems with digestion.
Safety: If you have anemia, high blood pressure, or are pregnant, you should not take licorice. Consult your health care provider before beginning use of any herb.