Bulk Coltsfoot Leaf Cut & Sifted, Wild Crafted

Tussilago farfara
Coltsfoot leaf, c/s, wild crafted image
[ 1466 ]Tussilago farfara

Coltsfoot Leaf Cut & Sifted, Wild Crafted

1/4 Pound:  $4.45 Pound:  $9.89  100+ Pounds:  contactbuy now  

Coltsfoot received its name because the leaves of the plant resemble a colt's foot. The herb is also known as Horse Foot, Foalswort, Horsehoof, Bull's Foot, Ass's Foot and by several other names. Because the leaves and flowers contain mucilage, they are used to make infusions, washes and poultices to sooth minor skin irritations.

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information at a glance

approximate cups to one pound23
active compoundsVarious flavonoids, tannins, isoquercetin, rutin, inulin, mucilage and pyrrolozidine alkaloids
plant part usedleaves and flowers
processingcut & sifted
sustainabilitywild crafted

buying & keeping

general guidelines and tips

storage tipsStore in an airtight container away from light, heat and moisture.
appearance & aromaLeafy with no detectable aroma.


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cosmeticInfuse in oil to produce salves, balms and ointments. May also be tinctured or water-infused for use in other topical preparations.
safetyColtsfoot contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids.

flavor profile

cut & sifted
coltsfoot leaf

Not for internal use.

formulas & recipes

cut & sifted
coltsfoot leaf

NOT for culinary use.

what else you should know

cut & sifted
coltsfoot leaf

Coltsfoot is a low-growing perennial herb in the aster family. It is sometimes mistaken for dandelion, which is related and similar in general appearance but has different characteristics. Coltsfoot is unique, however, in that it is the only species in the Tussilago genus.

The herb gets its common name from the shape of its leaves, which don’t emerge until the sunny yellow flowers have come and gone. Coltsfoot is also known by a variety of similar names, such as foal's foot, bull's foot and ass's foot. Its botanical name, however, comes from the Latin tussis and ago, which respectively mean “cough” and “depart” and references its historical use centuries ago.

Today, coltsfoot flower and leaf are used topically to take advantage of its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory compounds. Other constituents in the herb, however, namely the pyrrolizidine alkaloids senecionine and senkirkine, make this herb unsuitable for internal use.

Coltsfoot leaf is traditionally prepared as food or taken as tea or syrup. Due to the high mucilage content in the plant, the leaf also has topical applications to address minor skin irritations.

Native to Asia and Europe and later introduced to North and South America. Because it is a wayside herb that thrives in poor conditions, it is considered a nuisance weed and invasive species in some areas.

a bit of botany
Coltsfoot is a perennial member of the Asteraceae (formerly Compositae) family, which includes daisy, sunflower and aster. It resembles a small dandelion when in flower, although a unique characteristic that sets it apart from other daisy-like plants and also explains its common name is the heart shape to the leaf, which resembles a horseshoe or a colts foot. Another interesting feature of this plant is that the seeds set before the leaves even appear so that the flowers, which emerge in early spring, seem to be perched atop bare stems.

history and folklore
An older name for the herb, "Filius ante patrem,” which translates to "the son before the father," refers to the appearance and withering of the golden flowerheads before the leaves sprout. Coltsfoot is also known locally in certain regions as "Donnhove," taken from the word "donn" that means little horse, or donkey.

Coltsfoot has a long history of use in treating cough associated with asthma, bronchitis and other upper respiratory disorders. In fact, the genus name "Tussilago" means "cough dispeller." The 17th century English herbalist Nicholas Culpeper extolled the virtues of coltsfoot when he wrote, "The fresh leaves, or juice, or syrup thereof, is good for a bad dry cough, or wheezing and shortness of breath. The dry leaves are best for those who have their rheums and distillations upon their lungs causing a cough: for which also the dried leaves taken as tobacco, or the root is very good. The distilled water hereof simply or with elder-flowers or nightshade is a singularly good remedy against all agues, to drink 2 OZ. at a time and apply cloths wet therein to the head and stomach, which also does much good being applied to any hot swellings or inflammations. It helpeth St. Anthony's fire (erysypelas) and burnings, and is singular good to take away wheals."

At one time, the British Pharmacopceia included an entry for Syrup of Coltsfoot and recommended the remedy for chronic bronchitis. In combination with rosemary, chamomile, thyme, lavender, betony and eyebright, coltsfoot was featured in the formula for British Herb Tobacco. Physicians at the time recommended smoking this blend to prevent asthma attacks.

chemical composition
Various flavonoids, tannins, isoquercetin, rutin, inulin, mucilage and pyrrolozidine alkaloids.

side effects
For external use only. Because pyrrolozidine alkaloids may trigger premature labor, this herb should not be used at all during pregnancy.

Frequently bought together

for educational purposes only

This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

please be advised:  Before making any changes to your diet you should always consult with your doctor, especially if you are pregnant, nursing or have existing conditions.

All reviews solely reflect the views and opinions expressed by the reviewer and not that of Monterey Bay Herb Co. We do not verify or endorse any claims made by any reviewer. None of these statements have been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.