Contains Caffeine
Darjeeling tea is named after its place of origin – a town in the state of West
Bengal situated in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains of eastern India.
Also known as Queen of the Hills, the Darjeeling region is landscaped by acres
of plantations referred to as “tea estates.” Just like French champagne and
Italian prosciutto, authentic Darjeeling tea is protected by a Geographical
Indications of Goods registration, which means its cultivation is limited to
these estates and produced under very specific conditions.
Tea flavor and character is affected by the way the leaves are processed, which
determines the rate of oxidation. Technically speaking, because Darjeeling has a
low level of oxidation the tea is actually an oolong variety, even though it’s
typically marketed as a black tea. Flush is another factor, which is determined
by the time of year the tea is harvested. First flush tea harvested in early
spring yields a mild color and flavor, while mid-summer second flush produces a
rich golden color and a full-bodied flavor reminiscent of muscatel grape with a
spicy-sweet finish. The type of Darjeeling typically found in masala chai is
harvested when monsoon season subsides and the dark amber brew with full body is
the result of an autumn harvest.