Cinnamomum cassia is an evergreen tree of the Lauraceae, or Laurel family.
The tree grows to 10–15 m tall with a spread of 6-10 m. Cinnamon has grayish
or light brown, papery bark and hard, leathery, elongated leaves that are
10–15 cm long and have a decidedly reddish color when young.
The flowers are small, yellow-white and borne in clusters, the fruit are ovoid purple berries.
common names & nomenclature
In several European languages, the word for cinnamon comes from the Latin word cannella, a diminutive of canna, "tube", from the way it curls up as it dries.
Cinnamomum cassia also known as:
chinese cassia, chinese cinnamon, daruchini, tvak, dalchini, laurus cinnamomum, tamalapatra, vazhana, karuva, cassia lignea, cassia bark. cassia aromaticum, canton cassia.