Synergistic Herbs: Better Together



Try asking an herbalist, “What herb will help me with ______?” and they will likely tell you that the most potential is found in the combination of herbs—a single herb doesn’t solve it all. Herbs can be powerful, and it is important to be careful about what you mix, but they can also work together as a formula for a more holistic effect.

Many times herbs will be formulated to buffer the effects of other herbs. Or they may be there to drive the formula to a particular body part or to potentiate the effects of other herbs. They can also be put together to balance a formula, whether it be taste or for functional reasons. Herbs are even combined for their energetic qualities—some being considered hot or cold, drying or moistening. This is all part of the synergistic way that herbs work together.

“So much of formulation is a science, but it is also an art. Herbalists don’t think that herbs have 1 active constituent like they are broken down in the scientific world. There are many constituents and they all play a part in the herb’s effectiveness. Most importantly we like to think in terms of whole plant, whole person. We are not just our symptom picture. Someone with PMS, for example, may have certain symptoms that may be similar to someone else with PMS, but they are coming into it with a different body type and a different health history…thus the formula will look different.”

—Julie Rothman, herbalist and tea blender | Flower Power Teas


We’ve gathered herbalist-approved formulas that can support different aspects of a person’s wellness journey. We decided to focus on the areas of sleep, stress, immune and cognitive support—common issues for people these days. To help us understand more about the synergistic herbal formulas, we asked Julie Rothman, herbalist and tea blender from Flower Power Teas, to explain how the herbs work together.

Synergistic Herbs for Sleep Support

Synergistic Herbs for Sleep Support

Chamomile, passion flower, lemon balm, and skullcap pair nicely together and have a pleasant taste. Passion flower works well with chamomile given that it calms a busy mind. It is a gentle sedative. The skullcap is a nervous system restorative which helps nourish the body in a relaxing way. Lemon balm is an herb that soothes the nervous system. It is mild sedative and reduces anxiety.

Synergistic Herbs for Cognitive Support

Synergistic Herbs for Cognitive Support

Ginkgo is a considered an an antioxidant and has vaso-dilator properties. It is a circulatory stimulant that goes well with gotu kola which is to nourish nerves and brain cells. Gotu kola has historically has been used to help with concentration, mental clarity and memory. Adding rosemary helps as a driver in the formula, it gets the formula moving. It is aromatic properties can be stimulating and can can help improve blood flow.

Synergistic Herbs for Stress Support

Synergistic Herbs for Stress Support

Lemon balm is a great herb for calming the nervous system in a gentle way. It reduces anxiety, and has mood elevating properties and a delightful taste. Oatstraw is a mineralizing herb that pairs well with lemon balm. It is a soothing restorative herb that feels very nourishing to a frazzled nervous system. Rose is uplifting and a great nerve soothing remedy. It’s aroma and taste uplifts the heart and spirit.

Synergistic Herbs for Immune Support

Synergistic Herbs for Immune Support

The blend of peppermint, elder flower, yarrow, and thyme is considered a common formula for colds and flus. Ginger would be a great addition if someone is dealing with cold symptoms. The peppermint is a decongestant, expectorant and a bronchodilator. The elder is a diaphoretic and a mild demulcent that helps soothe irritated mucus membranes. The yarrow is good to use as an expectorant and can help reduce lung congestion. The thyme helps with its anti-microbial action along with helps drive the formula to the lungs with its volatile oils.

If you are looking for more information about each of these botanicals, browse and shop our full catalog of wholesale herbs and spices. We offer 500+ products in both organic and conventional varieties. If you are interested in creating your own product or herbal tea blen, then Monterey Bay Herb Co. can help you go from idea to end product by co-creating custom blends to meet specific need states like sleep, cognitive, stress and immune support. Contact us to learn more about our blending, milling and packaging capabilities.

Disclaimer: Information and statements about the products on this site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease or for prescribing any medication. We recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using any herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.