Background: Comfrey has been used to treat respiratory problems of pleurisy and bronchial inflammation. It was also once used to treat digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome and stomach ulcers. For thousands of years it has also been used to promote healing of injuries.
Research shows that some Comfrey Leaf and Root components are useful in cell repair and have anti-inflammatory effects.
While the comfrey plant has its roots in Europe, it grows in many areas of the world. North America, Australia, and Asia are all places where comfrey is found. It thrives in moist places.
Comfrey is used to aid in healing and reduce inflammation of injuries and infections.
Healing: Comfrey root is used to promote healing of injuries such as broken bones, sprains, bruises, and strains.
Skin: Comfrey, in oil or ointment form, is useful in treating skin conditions. Acne, psoriasis, and boils are all improved by comfrey. It also reduces scar tissue during healing.
Description: Comfrey is a perennial plant that grows up to three feet high. It has bell-shaped flowers that are pink or white. The root and aerial parts are all rich in anti-inflammatory chemicals. The leave and flowers are harvested in the summer and the roots are harvested in the fall.
Comfrey Leaf and Root Dosage: Comfrey compresses can be placed on injuries to reduce the severity of the problem and speed up healing. Infused oil or ointment can be used for this purpose.
Tincture of the root can be applied to acne to reduce spots.
Safety: Comfrey root should not be used on dirty wounds because it can trap dirt. Make sure to apply to clean areas only. It should not be taken internally unless supervised by a health professional.