go for the french
Tarragon comes in two varieties, Russian and French. The former has less
oil—and therefore, less flavor—so tarragon almost always implies the
French Plant.
Russian tarragon may be grown from seeds, but the more desirable French
variety must be propagated from cuttings or root divisions. Divide the roots
in spring and plant 1-inch pieces of their tips. Or take cuttings in summer,
thin plants to 2-foot spacing.
French tarragon is a perennial with a creeping, serpentine root, and stems
that reach 2 feet. Its leaves look like a larger version of rosemary. This
herb rarely flowers, and if it does, the fruits are sterile.
Tarragon grows best in rich, well-drained soil under full sun. Make sure the
roots do not become waterlogged. If your winter temperatures drop below the
teens, mulch well each fall. Divide tarragon roots every few years to retain
plants vigor.
Tarragon leaves bruise easily. Harvest them carefully in early summer.
Because tarragon loses medicinal value when dried, freeze the fresh herb or
preserve it in vinegar.
Tarragon is best known as the main seasoning in bearnaise sauce.
Formulas & recipes
Recipes using tarragon
There are endless uses for the tarragon herb, it is commonly used in pickling mixtures, infused oils, soups, cheese spreads, and more. Tarragon contains a very unique taste that some identify as being close to licorice.
Tarragon butter recipe
-½ cup softened butter
-1 garlic cloves, minced
-2 or 3 tablespoons of finely chopped fresh or dried tarragon
-2 tablespoons of lemon juice
-2 teaspoons of fresh black pepper (optional)
Combine all ingredients together using a stand mixer or mix by hand with a wooden spoon. Make sure everything is incorporated throughout the butter and that the texture is uniform throughout. Roll into a butter log using plastic wrap or a regular Tupperware container. Refrigerate overnight and enjoy as a spread or seasoning on any preferred food.
Health benefits
How to use tarragon
Tarragon is largely used in French cuisine, as well as other European countries. It has many health benefits like other aromatic kitchen herbs. Tarragon herb is said to help with loss of appetite, insomnia, and blood sugar levels.