Beet is a plant in the Chenopodiaceae family which is now included in the
Amaranthaceae family.
Beets are grown primarly for the enlarged bulbous
root which forms with the top of the enlarged root near or somewhat above
the soil surface.
The plant is normally a biennial, producing a rosette of
leaves and the bulbous root one year, and a seed stalk the following year.
Except for seed production, however, it is grown from seed as an annual.
Plants are usually harvested for fresh market or processing when the near
globular or oblate enlarged root is not more than 2 inches in diameter. At
that stage the root is tender, but becomes harder and tougher with greater
common names
& nomenclature
Old English bete "beet, beetroot," from Latin beta, is said to be of Celtic origin.
The name was common in Old English, then lost until around 1400. Still usually spoken of in plural
in the U.S.
A general West Germanic borrowing, cf. Old Frisian bete, Middle Dutch
bete, Old High German bieza, German Beete.
Also known as:
table beet,
european sugar beet,
garden beet,
harvard beet,
red beet,
red-beet leaf,
red garden beet,
spinach beet,
sugar beet,
swiss chard,
white-rooted beet,
wild beet,
yellow beet
Other Languages:
Spanish: remolacha; Portuguese: horticola, beterraba; French: betterave; German: Rote Rube, Rote Beete, or Runkelrube; Italian: Barbabietola; Arabic: Silig; Chinese: Gen tian cai; Russian: Svekla stolovaja